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Full Bloom - 100 ml

    FULL BLOOM is an Australian Certified Organic blend which contains Clary Sage, Jasmine and Lavender in a base of Apricot kernal oil.


    The high vibrating frequency oil of Jasmine works energetically on opening the heart and the sacral chakra. It helps release past trauma in the sacral area and encourages safety within intimate relationships (1). Known as the oil of optimism, Fischer-Rizzi states "no other essential oil is capable of changing our mood so intensely". She says Jasmine penetrates the deepest layers of our soul, opening the doors to our emotions (2). Perfect Potion founder Salvatore Battaglia says "Jasmine absolute is one of the most useful oils to use during childbirth. If it is used as a massage oil on the abdomen and lower back in the early stages of labour, it will relieve the pain and strengthen the contractions. It helps with the expulsion of the placenta after delivery and aids postnatal recovery. It can be used to relieve spasms of the uterus" (3). 


    On an emotional level, Lavender aids verbal expression and calms insecurities from a fear of being seen and heard. (1). Physiologically, Lavender is best known for relaxing the nervous system. Even when oily essences such as lavender are released in the air and breathed by lungs through uterine contractions, they can "produce endorphins in the body to reduce natural pain". In addition, using lavender and Salvia officinalis as "cold compress on the forehead can help with fatigue and recovery after pain" (4). 


    Emotionally, the euphoric power of Clary Sage  assists in opening to the dream world, to expand your inner vision and connect with the spiritual world (1).  Physiologically, Clary Sage is shown to increase oxytocin levels (5). This “hormone of love and bonding”, flowing naturally during physiological labour, is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. Clary Sage’s oestrogenic action on the system results from pituitary-gonadal stimulation, likely exerting a regulating action on the pituitary gland (6). Clary Sage is a uterine stimulant and relaxant (7). It helps with fatigue, burnout and exhaustion (8).


    1. Emotions and Essential Oils, published by

    2. Fischer-Rizzi S. Complete aromatherapy handbook. Sterling Publishing, New York, 1990

    3. Salvatore Battaglia HERE

    4. Lavender for pain study HERE

    5. Clary Sage, study shown to increase oxytocin levels HERE

    6. Holmes suggests Clary Sage’s oestrogenic action on the system results from pituitary-gonadal stimulation, likely exerting a regulating action on the pituitary gland. “The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy”, Edtn 2, Salvatore Battaglia, p 188.

    7. Clary Sage is a uterine stimulant and relaxant. “The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy”, Edtn 2, Salvatore Battaglia, p 188.

    8. Salvatore Battaglia HERE




    Prunus armeniaca (apricot) kernel oil, lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil, jasminum officinale (jasmine) absolute, salvia sclarea (clary sage) oil, linalool*, benzyl benzoate*, limonene*, geraniol*, benzyl alcohol*, eugenol* (*Natural constituents of essential oils)




    Your doula, midwife or birthing partner can massage this oil over your lower back and tummy during labour. You may also begin using this massage oil in the last two weeks prior to your due birth date. Postnatally, it may also assist with cramps and/or moodiness and help hormonal stability.  

    Full Bloom - 100 ml

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