Pregnancy Massage & Space to Talk
Talking through your Birth Choices • Rights • Fears • Outcomes • Loss
Service Description
60 minutes to talk + 1hr Massage Wherever you are along the spectrum of your journey into motherhood, there can be a host of emotions and unexpected outcomes to navigate. Suzie has 15 years experience listening to women navigate their birth choices, pregnancy decisions and birthing outcomes, including pregnancy or birth loss. In 2024, Suzie is further training to qualify a Somatic Trauma Therapist. If you are planning or in early pregnancy, you may not know where to look in order to understand the various birthing options, work through fears, and come to a decision that resonates with the type of birth you're looking for - home birth or hospital; natural birth or medically supported. Part of our cultural conditioning involves handing over our power to the "experts". Whilst Suzie is not suggesting you 'ditch the expert', Suzie helps you undertake practical steps to understand how to navigate your rights within the intervention oriented system that is dominant in the mainstream medical system. There's no doubt, in recent years, women are becoming more aware, educated and empowered to ask informed intelligent questions to their prenatal care providers, and make choices that feel personally empowering for them, rather than taking the ‘wait and see’ approach. Pregnancy is really about finding, feeling, exploring and nurturing your inner power. The conversations on refining your Birth Choices empowers woman to take control and responsibility for the choices that are best for them along the way. Conversations may include discussing your options, preferences and fears about where to birth, support people, social support groups, birth education courses, getting up to speed on the system, how to heal a previous birth trauma, and your rights. This session is not about 'right or wrong' choices, but rather talking through your options and fears so you can bring into being the birth YOU and YOUR BABY are wanting. So you can own this right of passage with wisdom, awareness and courage. Birth is one of the most primal and defining rights of passage in a woman's life. This session will open you up to your own innate wisdom, and free you of fear. If pregnancy or baby loss is part of your experience, Suzie is able to listen, hold sacred space, help you connect and feel into the emotions trapped in your body, and support you in integrating body-mind so you can move through a layer of grief.
Contact Details
Kenmore QLD, Australia